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City Manager

Opportunity Lives Here!

On behalf of our employees and City Council members, welcome to the City of Bridgeport's website. Whether your visit is to learn more about our great city, to access public information, or you are thinking about locating to our fair city, I want to welcome you to a city where Opportunity Lives!

As you learn more about Bridgeport, you will see why we say Opportunity Lives here and why nearly 10,000 people and hundreds of businesses have chosen Bridgeport as their home. They too believe in the opportunity that lives in our top-ranked schools, vibrant and growing businesses, hometown festivals, in our ever-expanding regional airport, and in our City. It is no wonder why Bridgeport s population grew by more than 14% in the last Census and why USA Today placed Bridgeport the 16th best place to live in its top 50 best places to live in the United States regardless of City size.

Due in part to the hard work of the 150 full-time and over 100 part-time professionals that work at the City, Opportunity Lives through the services we provide, including: Public safety (Police, Fire, and Emergency Management), Parks & Recreation (including the new Bridge Sports Complex), Public Works (streets, and water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities), Library, and Cemetery. The new Bridge Sports Complex is a perfect example of the City s commitment to create Opportunities in Bridgeport. The complex is a $50 million, 150,000 square-foot recreation center that not only serves Bridgeport residents and businesses, but also serves baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, pickleball, and many other sports clubs from West Virginia and the surrounding states. Again, the City is committed to be sure Opportunity Lives in Bridgeport.

Thank you again for visiting our site. 


City Clerk

This office serves as an educational liaison between citizens and their government. Inquiries are responded to by telephone, in writing, or in person from a variety of interested persons regarding matters pertaining to City information.

The Office of the City Clerk is the official keeper of the records. Accurate records of the official action of City Council and City Boards, Committees, and Commission, such as official minutes, ordinances, and resolutions pertaining to the City.

This office also responds to public information requests and is a "hub" for the dissemination of information to the public, city officials, department heads, and other government and public agencies.

Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Phone: (304) 842-8235
Fax: (304) 842-8201

Lauren Rogers, City Clerk
515 W. Main Street
Bridgeport, West Virginia 26330